"A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."  Ralph Waldo Emerson
"A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, November 30, 2009

I am down with that funky jive...

Well, I have joined the ranks of people who have digitized their music. Yes, friends, after staring at the ceiling of my bedroom on Thanksgiving night, I decided to get up, get dressed, and head to my local Superwalmart to get myself a door buster TV and iPod. I entered the store at 1:30 while the little elves...mostly cranky middle-aged people with bad teeth...were stocking the shelves and undoing the plastic from the Chinese electronics I was yearning to buy. I stocked my cart with the door busters from Wal-mart rivals, flyers in hand, and found my way over to the electronics department. Surely I would be the first in line to get these elusive technological gems...I was greeted by two groups of teenagers. They had been in line since 9:30 Thanksgiving night...waiting for the TV/iPod of their dreams. I shrugged, grabbed a spot on my cart (I had grabbed a kiddy seat cart so I had a spot to park my rear, straddling two hard, plastic lumps) and read a book. Long story short, I got my door busters, got my TV...a 32 inch Emerson flat screen for $248...and...an iPod touch...which I have been enjoying all weekend long. As for Harv, well, he is still getting used to the idea of spending money on things we don't NEED, but I did pacify him by getting him a Tom Tom...an early birthday gift which HE fiddled with all weekend long. Thank you, Walmart, for helping to make my holiday weekend a progressive one! :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hmmm...I stink at this...

Well, the children are snuggled all snug on their carpet squares settling down for a long free reading Friday session...oh how I love these days! The grades are updated, the kids are quiet, and I get to go out with my lunch buddies in a mere 45 minutes. Ahhh...Fridays! A few questions for my faithful followers...all three of you:

1. Is it too early to listen to Christmas music IF I have my Thanksgiving decorations out and am NOT really thinking about Christmas yet?

2. Do you have any cute Christmas picture ideas for my kids' Christmas card this year? Thinking about doing something funny...

3. What is your favorite Christmas cookie recipe of all time? I am going to meet with my sistahs next weekend and brainstorm about our cookie fest in December, and I want some new ideas.

I guess that's it. Poo on me for not blogging more...I need to find my blogvoice I guess. Hugs to all, and to all a good FRIDAY!